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Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services

       ©2000 by John G. Fausett

When the afternoon becomes as dark as night
When the clouds are glowing with an eerie light

I think a tornado.....
Could be a tornado coming to your town

When your lungs are struggling to catch some air
When the sound of a freight train finds your ears
You’d best beware!

I think a tornado.....
Could be a tornado coming to your town

Hopefully, by now you know
The safest place for you to go
Did you fail to plan ahead?
And will we find you dead?

Find a strong building on the lowest floor
An interior room, and I gotta say more
It can’t have windows, and it’s gotta be small
And cover your head --- debris gonna fall!

When the hail comes pounding, leaving dents in the ground
When you see the silhouette of something reaching down

I think a tornado.....
Could be a tornado coming to your town

Hopefully, by now you know
The safest place for you to go
Did you fail to plan ahead?
And will we find you dead?

Don’t be fooled by an overpass
Your car is a weapon of metal and glass
And if you want to know about approaching storms
NOAA Weather Radio will keep informed

I think a tornado.....
Could be a tornado coming to your town

I think a tornado.....
Could be a tornado coming to your town


NOAA, National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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Last Updated: April 21, 2008